Welcome To Beast Airline

Hari ini aku mau bahas tentang Beast dua tahun yang lalu, di First Solo Beast's Concert yang bertema Welcome To Beast Airline, tepatnya 12 Desember 2010. Oke, mungkin ini sudah basi, tapi aku tetap mau menulisnya. Aku nggak tau seperti apa latihan mereka untuk mempersiapkan konser perdananya, yang jelas aku cuma bisa bilang satu kata. Awesome!!
Today I wanna write about Beast two years ago, on the First Solo Beast's Concert themed Welcome To Beast Airline, on December 12, 2010. Ok, this may be already be stale, but I will keep writing. I don't know how they are training to prepare their Solo Concert, over all I just say one word, Awesome!!
Well, jujur2an, aku nggak beli DVD konsernya, tapi aku download di Youtube dari upload'an seorang user dengan nick kwangdongwoon. Aku bener-bener berterima kasih atas upload'an darinya. Video-videonya acak, jadi kucoba untuk mengurutkan alur konser mereka. Dan inilah tebakanku, alur
konser Beast dari awal hingga akhir acara.
Well, I honest, I don't buy their concert DVD, but I downloaded on Youtube from a user is kwangdongwoon's uploaded. I really thanks you to him/her. The videos is random, so I try to sort plot their concert. And this is my guess about plot Beast's Concert form beginning until end of concert.
Di awal acara, ada video pembuka dimana di sana ditampilkan masa-masa awal debut mereka hingga berhasil menyabet banyak penghargaan, dan ucapan selamat dari ibu mereka. "It's King of the World", kata GiKwang di video itu. Okelah, whatever, yang jelas aku suka kalian. Kemudian diikuti dengan video teaser khusus untuk konser perdana ini.
At the beginning of the concert, any opening video where there appear the early days their debut until successfully won award so much, and their mother give they congratulate. "It's King of The World", that is GiKwang's says on the video. Whatever you said bro :D I like you all the most. Then followed by teaser video that specially made for this concert.
Lagu pembuka konser adalah Mastermind. Why? Yang kutahu lagu Mastermind ini artinya adalah memperkenalkan diri Beast dan menyatakan bahwa mereka telah kembali dengan lagu-lagu barunya (Mastermind adalah Mini Album ke-3'nya Beast). Itulah kenapa aku memilihnya untuk menjadi lagu pembuka. Suara mereka benar-benar powerfull, keliatan banget semangatnya. Mantap.
The opening song concert is Martermind. Why? I knew this song to introduce Beast's self and says that they has returned with new songs (Mastermind is the 2rd Beast Mini Album). That the reason why I choose it to be opening song. Their voice really powerfull, look all at their spirit. So Beast!
Lagu kedua, Lightless. Karna kostumnya masih sama dengan Mastermind *hahaha, alasan apaan tuh*. Lagu ini dibuka dengan suara merdu YoSeob yang diiringi musik akustik. Mantap bo'. Selanjutnya sama seperti versi aslinya, fast bit. Meski lagunya nge-bit, tapi feel galaunya tetep nggak ilang. Ekspresi mereka dapet banget. Terutama YoSeob, rasanya tersiksa banget dia. Hahaha,,
The 2nd song is Lightless. This is because costum that they wear still same with Martermind *hahaha, what's the fuck reason?? :D*. This song opened by YoSeob's melodius voice accompanied with accoustic music. So Beast! Next same like as original version, fast bit. Although the song is fast bit, but feeling sad is not lost. Their expression really good. Especially YoSeob, so hurt, so sick, so sad...
Selanjutnya, mereka menyanyikan lagu Hot Issue milik 4Minute yang sudah diaransemen dengan style mereka. Nge-jazz gitu deh, mantap banget suaranya. Suara YoSeob tetep mempesona di sini, cengkok'annya oke banget. Di sini aku suka benget ma suara HyunSeung.
Next, they sing a song popularized by 4Minute, Hot Issue, that have been arranged with their style. Jazz. Good voice. YoSeob's voice is really beautiful here, I like HyunSeung's voice too so much.
Nah, ini dia lagu yang TOP banget. Special. Suka banget aku ma lagu ini, juga sama dancenya. "Everytime I special". Mantap dah, di sini YoSeob banyak banget pake suara seraknya. Keren keren keren.
This is great great and very great song. Special. I like the most this song, the dance is very good. "Every time I special". So Beast!
Soom (Breath) menjadi lagu pilihanku selanjutnya. Well, suara mereka tetap keren di sini. Yang mengejutkan, kalimat "I don't know" yang diteriakan YoSeob lebih panjang dari biasanya. Meski masih satu oktaf, tapi buatku itu sangat panjang, jadi keinget IU di Good Day'nya. Mantap boz,,
Soom (Breath), be my next choose song. Well, their voices still very great here. Surprise from YoSeob with his voice on the sentence "I don't know", he's says is longer than usual. Although still one octave, but for me it's very long, make me remember IU's voice on Good Day song.
Next, Mystery, masih seperti biasa di sini ada gerakan khusus buat GiKwang untuk tebar pesona. Di sini juga tumben-tumbennya DongWoon tebar pesona ma penonton. Hahaha...
Next, Mystery, still as usual, here any especially dance to GiKwang for stocking charm :D. DongWoon did the same action.
Bad Girl, aku memilihnya karna kostumnya masih sama dan mereka sudah keringetan *hahaha*. Tapi tetep mantap aja suara mereka.
Bad Girl, it's very good song. I like the dance and their expression when singing this song, and I still love HyunSeung's voice.
I'm Sorry, aku suka flagu ini. Bagian falset HyunSeung di tengah lagu saat bilang "I miss you...", kayaknya kangennya udah memuncak banget dan bener-bener tulus buat minta maaf.
I'm Sorry, I like this song too. The part of HyunSeung's falset on middle song when says "I miss you...", seem to their desire have greatly heightened and sincerety to apologize.
Lagu selanjutnya adalah Shock. Lagu ini sangat menguras energi menurutku, but it's ok. Suara mereka tetap bagus.
Next song is Shock. This dance takes energy so much. But their voice are still OK.
Beautiful, lagu ceria andalan mereka. Aku suka cara berpakaian GiKwang di lagu ini, di semua performance-nya. menurutku keren. Di tengah lagu, ada adegan HyunSeung meluk GiKwang sambil nyanyi, dan suaranya tetap stabil. Kemudian adegan DongWoon tiba-tiba meluk YoSeob dari belakang waktu lagi nyanyi. Dan ekspresi kagetnya YoSeob itu yang bikin gemes. Hahaha...
Beautiful, the happy song their mainstay. I like GiKwang's dress code on this song, in the all his performance. For me he's very cool. On the middle song, there is a scene HyunSeung to hug GiKwang with singing, and their voice remained stable. Next with scene of DongWoon to hug YoSeob from behind when he's singing. YoSeob expression is really funny. Hahaha...
Next with different costum, again. Easy, good standing mic performance, oke beud dah kata anak aL4y. Seperti biasa, YoSeob selalu perfect banget menghayati lagu yang dibawakannya. Hati yang terluka. "Sod sad... so sick..." *sini-sini aku obatin*
Next with different costum, again. Easy, good standing mic performance, so great, so Beast. Like as usual, YoSeob always perfect appreciate the song he was singing. Broken heart. "So sad... so sick..."
Lights Go On Again, di lagu ini YoSeob banyak pake falset dan nada tinggi, merdu banget. Dan suara HyunSeung tetap mantap.
Lights Go On Again, in this song YoSeob lot of use falset and high tones. So melodious. HyunSeung's voice still OK.
Not Yet, next performance. Awal lagu dibuka dengan suara dan tebar pesonanya GiKwang. Ini lagu galau, tapi mereka bawainnya seksi banget. Hahaha... beneran. Ekspresinya YoSeob ma GiKwang itu lho, bikin mupeng.
Not Yet, next performance. Beggining of the song opening with voice and stocking charm from GiKwang. This is sad song, but they are singing really sexy. Hahaha... YoSeob and GiKwang's expression is very sexy.
Di bagian ini ada birthday surprise. Yap, JunHyung berulang tahun. Entah kapan tepatnya, personil yang lain memberi kejutan di konser perdana mereka. So sweet banget. Dirayakan oleh orang sebanyak itu, siapa sih yang nggak terharu. Awalnya JunHyun nahan air matanya, biasalah gayanya yang sok cool itu tetep nggak mau ilang. Tapi karna personil yang lain ngomong terus *pokoknya bikin JunHyun terharu*, akhirnya keluar juga tu air mata. Sampai-sampai YoSeob ngusap air mata JunHyun pake sweaternya. Happy birthday ya kakak,, oke, aku dan dia seumuran, sama-sama lahir tahun 1989, tapi kalender Korea tu lain daripada yang lain. Tahun ini umurku 22 lebih dikit, dia pada tahun 2010 umurnya udah 22. Selisih 2 tahun. Keren kan?
On this part there a birthday surprise. Yeaph, it's JunHyun's birthday. Other member of Beast give him surprise on the their first concert. So sweet. Who's not touched if it's celebrated by so many people? Beginning JunHyun hold back his tears, too cool. But the finally, his tears are fall. And YoSeob wiping JunHyung's tears using his sweater. Happy birthday brother :) OK, JunHyung and I have same age, same born on 1989, but Korea calendar is different from other country. This year I'm 22 years old, he's on 2010 has 22 years old. Difference 2 years. Awesome?!
Next performance, 3 lagu berikutnya adalah lagu duet mereka. Yang pertama When This Door Closes (DuJun & DongWoon), irama pianonya nyentuh banget. Suaranya mantap, bikin mrinding di akhir lagu. Di lagu ini DongWoon nangis. Entah karna lagunya atau karna konser mereka bakal berakhir. Menurutku sih karna konser mereka dah mau abis. Jadi ikutan nangis liat ekspresi mereka. Duh, mrinding kakiku denger suara mereka.
Next performance, the next three songs is their duet songs. First is When This Door Closes (DuJun and DongWoon), rhythm of the piano is very touching. Great voice by them, makes my neck hairs stand on the end of song. On this song DongWoon cry. Either because the song or because the concert will be completed. Overall, they singing very well.
Let It Snow (GiKwang & HyunSeung), ni lagu kayaknya jadi ajang tebar pesona mereka berdua. Keren dah.
Let It Snow (by GiKwang and HyunSeung), this song seem as to be stocking charm performance by them. Once again, so Beast!
Lagu duet terakhir adalah Thanks To (YoSeob & JunHyun). Suara dan falset YoSeob tetep oke. Di tengah lagu ada adegan JunHyung ngasih cincinnya ke fans *mau donk kak*. Di akhir lagu, YoSeob nyanyi tanpa musik. Keren banget suaranya.
The last duet song is Thanks To (by YoSeob and JunHyung). YoSeob's high tones still OK. On middle song, there a scene JunHyung give his ring to a fan *I want*. On the last song, YoSeob sing without music. So Beast!
Next costum, aku suka, cuma pake kaos sih, tapi keren, lebih alami. Oasis, lagu ini diawali dengan slow music, kemudian di remix, joss! Di lagu ini mereka kaget ngliat banyak kertas yang dibuat jadi pesawat-pesawatan dari fansnya. Yang bikin kaget kayaknya sih isinya, mungkin tulisan-tulisan dari fansnya. Ekspresi kaget, seneng dan terharu mereka keliatan banget. Di tengah lagu, DongWoon bertanya, "kapan kalian menyiapkan ini?", kalau aku jadi mereka udah nangis kayaknya. Punya banyak penggemar yang nggak kalah mantap dan keren.
Next costum, I like, just wear t-shirt, but very good all, more natural. Oasis, this song opening with slow music, and then with remix music. On the song, they surprise to see many papers made to be like a plane from their fans. May be that made they surprise is contents on the paper, may be posts are made the fans. They look so surprised, thrilled, and happy. On middle of the song, DongWoon have question to fans, "when you prepare this all?" The fans are awesome.
V.I.U., Very Important You. Aku suka ni lagu. Di lagu ini mereka ngenalin koreografernya. Dan ngedance bareng mereka. Aku nggak tau ini dance'nya V.I.U atau bukan, tapi aku suka, sederhana, tapi happy'nya keliatan banget. Di lagu ini mereka bebas mengekspresikan gaya dance masing-masing.
V.I.U., Very Important You. On this song, they introduce their choreographer and dance with them. I like this song and dance, very simple and happy. On this song, they free to express respective dance styles.
Nah, sampai juga di penghunjung acara, lagu penutup di konser perdana mereka adalah I Like You. Aku suka banget ma ni lagu. Dance'nya bikin ikutan goyang. Di sini mereka juga bagi-bagiin souvenir yang udah disiapkan sebelumnya, handuk. Apapun souvenirnya, kalau aku, pasti kuterima *yaiyalahhh*. Di akhir lagu mereka memberi salam dan berterimakasih pada semua penonton dan fans.
The last song, the end of concert, ending song on their first concert is I Like You. I like this song so much. The dance made me follow it. Here they give the gift that has been prepared previously. It's towel. On end of the song, they were greeted and thanked the audience and fans.
Fours thumb and congratulations to Beast!

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Lagu pembuka di konser ini adalah Special, diikuti oleh Breath, Bad Girl, dan
Mystery. Kemudian dengan kostum yang berbeda, konser dilanjutkan dengan lagu Mastermind, Lightless, dan Hot Issue.
The opening song in this concert is Special, then Breath, Bad Girl, and
Mystery. Next with different costum, concert continued with Mastermind, Lightless, and Hot Issue

2 Responses
  1. itu konser welcome to beast airline ya ?? setauku ,, pembukanya lagu special ,,

  2. oh ya? hahaha... itu cuma tebakanku, soalnya aku nggak beli DVDnya, aku donlot di youtube... tadinya juga aku mikir Special, tapi bingung antara 2 pilihan :D oke deh, makasih koreksinya ya :)

yuk, bercuap :)