BEAST (B2ST), The Next My Idol!

You know, now I'm falling in love with Beast (B2ST). But I won't call myself as B2UTY *hahaha*, itu terlalu umum. Dalam semalam aku bisa mengumpulkan semua lagu Beast, mulau dari MV sampai live performance mereka. Dan kesimpulannya, Beast is the Best. Fours thumb for them. Aku bukan penggemar boyband atau aliran musik apapun, aku hanyalah seorang penikmat musik. Apapun musiknya, ketika ia cocok dengan telingaku. I will get it.
You know, now I'm falling in love with Beast (B2ST). But I won't call myself as B2UTY *hahaha*, it's too general. Within one night I have been collect all Beast's song, from MV (Music Video) until their live performances. And I can take the conclusions that Beast is the Best. Fours thumb for them. I'm not a fan of the boyband or any genre, I just a music lovers. Anything the music, when it ear fit or easy listening. I will get it.
Dari semua penyanyi korea, entah solois, girlband, ataupun boyband, yang musiknya cocok dengan telingaku, baru kutemukan 3, BoA, IU, dan Beast. Aku suka BoA sejak SMP. Aku suka IU sejak setahun lalu, dan aku suka Beast sejak hari ini. Suara mereka sangat menarik. Oke, yang ingin kubahas saat ini adalah Beast. Aku suka semua lagunya, semuanya easy listening. Aku nggak nyangka bisa menemukan mereka. Aku beruntung menemukan mereka, opss salah. Merekalah yang sangat beruntung karna kutemukan *pede beneeerrr*. Karna setelah itu semua lagu mereka telah masuk ke dalam hardisk
komputerku *so why??* yeah,, di tengah kejenuhanku dengan lagu negeri sendiri.
From all Korean singer, whether it solois, girlband or boyband, that the music ear fit to me, just 3, B0A, IU, and Beast. I like BoA since I'm on Junior High School. I like IU since one year ago, and I like Beast since now. Their voices very very very interesting to me. Ok, who wanted to talked now about Beast. I like their all songs, easy listening for all. I never thought could find it. Opss,, false! They are very lucky because I found them *too confidence*. Because after it their all songs have been saved into my computer hard drive *so why??* yeaahh,, in the middle mu sarutation with Indonesian songs.
Awal cerita aku mengenal Beast, dari lagu Fiction. Cerita di lagu itu sangat mirip dengan cerita cintaku saat itu. Aku mendambakan sebuah kisah bahagia bersama seorang yang ku sayang, dia meninggalkanku, tapi aku selalu menapik kenyataan itu dan menulisnya dalam sebuah cerita fiktif yang tak akan pernah berakhir, sekalipun berakhir, aku akan membuatnya berakhir bahagia. Tapi itu hanya fiktif. Yeah, that's a first sad song yang kudengar dari Beast. And I start to like them.
Beginning of the story I know Beast, from Fiction song. The story on that song is very similar with my love story the time. I crave a happy story with my dear people, I left, but I always avoid that fact and write it on a fiction story that will never end, even end up, I will make it happy ending. But it's just fiction. Yeahh, that's a first sad song that I hear from Beast. Anda I start to like them.
Temanku adalah fans SuJu, setiap hari selalu terdengar lagu-lagu mereka di kamarnya. Dan suatu hari aku menemukan banyak sekali lagu korea di laptop temanku. SuJu, SNSD, Kara, Beast, dan masih banyak lagi. Tapi hanya satu yang menarik tanganku tuk meraihnya. Beast. Dan aku mulai
mendengarkan lagu-lagu mereka. So Awesome! Itulah awal dari rencanaku untuk mengumpulkan semua lagu-lagunya.
My friend is Super Junior's fan, every day I always hear ther songs in the her room. And someday I found lot of Korean songs at my friend's laptop. Super Junior, SNSD, Kara, Beast, and many more. But just one that pulled my hand to reach it. Beast. And I start to listen their songs. So Awesome! That's beginning from my planning to collect their all songs.
Dan kau tahu apa yang kudapatkan? Meski kebanyakan lagu mereka iramanya nge-bit, tapi hampir semua lagu mereka temanya galau. Yeaahhh!! Dan meskipun lagunya galau, tapi aku suka semuanya. Tak lain dan tak bukan karna suara mereka sangat nyaman terdengar di telingaku. Ekspresi wajah mereka juga dapet banget di semua lagunya. Dance mereka juga sangat powerfull. Hanya beberapa lagu dimana aku bisa melihat para personilnya tersenyum dan menyanyi dengan bahagia. Yaitu Beautiful dan I Like You. Aku suka, sangat suka. Sekali lagi, aku suka.
You know what I got? Although most their songs have fast rhythm, but almost all their songs themed sad song. Yeaahhh!! And although it's sad songs, but I like all. It's because their voice is very comfort to be heard. Their face expression also very good on all songs. Their dance so powerfull. Just some songs where I could see the members sing with happy smiles. Is Beautiful and I Like You. I like, so like you all. Once again, I so like you.
Oke, kita bahas personilnya. Ada 6 personil di Beast. Jun Hyun, Dong
Woon, Hyun Seung, Du Jun, Gi Kwang, dan Yo Seob. Aku suka semuanya. Warna suara mereka masing-masing berbeda. Unik. Dan dua yang terakhir ku tuliskan adalah yang kusuka.
OK, I wanna discuss the members. There are sixs members on Beast. Jun Hyung, Dong Woon, Hyun Seung, Du Jun, Gi Kwang, and Yo Seob. I like you all. The colour of their voice is different. Unique. And the last two names which I write is my favorite.
Yeaa... Yo Seob. Aku mulai jatuh cinta sama cowok satu ini ketika denger suaranya bernyanyi solo. Apapun genre musiknya, he can do it very well. Aku sangat suka dia nyanyi musik jazz. Keren banget. Falsetnya juga unik sekali. Dia punya nada tinggi yang bagus. Dan setelah kudengarkan semua lagu Beast, suaranyalah yang paling mendominasi. Ya, dialah vokalis utama di Beast. Katanya, dia adalah personil paling cute di Beast. Aku setuju. Dia emang imut banget. Mau didandanin kayak apa juga, image cute nya nggak akan hilang.
Yeaa.... Yo Seob. I start to falling in love with him when I hear his voice singing solo song. And my conclusion about him is anything genre of the music, either pop, rock, jazz, the old songs, he can do it very well. I most liked when he's singing jazz song. So good. His falset also very unique. Good high tones. And after I hear all Beast's song, his voice was the most dominating. He's main vocal on the group. People says, he's the cutest member on the Beast. I agree. He's so cute. Like any his make-up, the cute image never lost.

Yang kedua kusuka adalah Gi Kwang. Katanya, dia personil paling ganteng di Beast. Menurutku salah! Bukan paling ganteng, tapi dia personil paling manis di Beast. Hahaha,, senyumnya itu sangat amat manis sekali. Nggak kubayangin kalau aku dapet pacar semanis dia. Haha, NGIMPI!!! Katanya lagi, dia personil paling "nakal" di Beast. Setelah kulihat-lihat game yang pernah mereka ikuti, kusimpulkan, aku setuju. Hey guys, dia nakal sekali. Aku sampai pengen ketawa ngliat tingkahnya. Oh ya, dia ini kalau ketawa, truz kita tinggal pergi, kayaknya dia nggak bakal tahu. Di antara semua personil Beast, body'nya lah yang paling bagus. Hahaha...
Tapi jujur, kharismanya nggak keluar saat dia debut menjadi penyanyi solo. Entahlah, aku hanya merasa dia kurang powerfull sebelum masuk ke group. Di lagu solo'nya, Wipe The Tear, JunHyun dan Du Jun menjadi rapper, dan Yo Seob menjadi penari latarnya. Yang kulihat, justru bukan Gi Kwang yang berperan sebagai artis utama, malah JunHyun, Du Jun, dan Yo Seob lah yang "terlihat" di mataku. Bahkan mungkin Yo Seob akan lebih bagus menyanyikan lagu itu. Aku nggak tau kenapa, itu sebabnya aku bisa bilang bahwa dia kurang berkharisma ketika menjadi penyanyi solo, dan aku lebih suka dia ada di Beast. Karena dia sangat "terlihat" di sana, entahlah, mungkin karna setiap personil mempunyai style masing-masing dan saling menunjukkan semangatnya, sehingga itu memacunya untuk tampil lebih baik.
The 2nd I liked is Gi Kwang. The people says, he's the most handsome member on the Beast. I think not! Not the most handsome, but he's the sweetest member on the group. Hahaha.... his smiles is very sweet. So I have a dream to be his girlfriend. Hahaha.... IT'S JUST DREAM!! Once more the people says, he's "the most mischievous" member on the group. After I see the games ever they followed, I can conclusion, I agree. He's so naugthy. I wanna laugh to see his acting. When he's laugh, then we go, like he's never know. And the fact, among all the members, his body is the best. But, I honest, his charisma is not out when he's debut as soloist. I know nothing, I just feel he's less powerfull before entering to group. On the his solo song, Wipe The Tear, Jun Hyun and Du Jun to be rapper, and Yo Seob to be dancer. I saw, exactly not Gi Kwang who role as main artist, but JunHyun, Du Jun, and Yo Seob that looks in my eyes. May be Yo Seob will be better to singing that song. I don't know why, that my reason I can say that he's less charismatic when to be soloist, and I prefer he's to be one of Beast. Beacause he's very looks there, I don't know, may be because each member have different style and show mutual passion, so it's made him to perform better.

Aku suka mereka, tak berarti aku tak menyukai yang lain. Jun Hyun, si rapper. Dia selalu menyebut dirinya sendiri sebagai Joker. "I'm the joker". Pede banget nggak sih, yeah begitulah gayanya. Mungkin benar, dialah joker di Beast, tapi aku lebih setuju jika Yo Seob yang mengatakannya. Hahaha,, maaf Jun :D you all are the joker from all boyband in Korea :). Style'nya sok cool banget, bikin gregetan, haha... dan menurutku dia yang paling ganteng *yeah, ganteng-gantengnya orang Asia lah ya*.
I like they two, it's doesn't mean I don't like the others. Jun Hyung, the rapper. He always call his self as Joker. "I'm the joker". Whatever you says bro, it's his style. May be is true, he's the joker on the group, but I further agree if Yo Seob have spoken. Hahaha... I'm sorry Jun :D but you all are the joker from all boyband in Korea :). His style is so cool. I think, he's the most handsome on the group *the Asian handsome people, yeah*

Du Jun, suaranya juga bagus. Gantengnya bakal keliatan sesuai dengan gaya rambutnya. Dan manisnya bakal keliatan waktu dia nyanyi Beautiful atau memakai baju dengan warnah cerah. Hahaha, beneran.
Du Jun, he's have good voice. The handsome will be seen in the style of the hair. And his sweet will be seen when he's singing Beautiful song or to wear clothes with bright colours. Hahaha...

Hyun Seung, ini orang suaranya unik. Suka banget sama warna suaranya. Dia juga manis. Mantap mantap!
Hyun Seung, he's have unique voice. I like the colour of his voice, so much. His face also sweet like as Gi Kwang. Good person.

Dong Woon, si bule di Beast. Suaranya mantap di nada tinggi. Sama seperti Yo Seob. Aku suka.
Dong Woon, "si bule" on the Beast. His voice is very good on the high tones. Like as Yo Seob. I like his voice. His face not less with the other.

Oke, inilah perkenalanku pada Beast.
OK, this is my introduction to Beast, as new fans. :)
.: [gambar diambil dari berbagai sumber / images taken from various sources]:.
2 Responses
  1. personel'e ono sing mirip aku gk vit???

  2. v_elz Says:

    aduuuhh,, sayang'e gak ono,,, hahaha... adoooohh tenan caahhh,, wkwkwkwkwk =))

yuk, bercuap :)